The ALCDSB's annual Frontenac Cup tournament had its biggest turnout yet!

For the first time since the Frontenac Cup ball hockey tournament started in 2016, Limestone District School Board students were invited to partake in friendly competition at the Cataraqui Community Centre on Monday. The event saw about 270 participants.

This year, principals, educators and families cheered on the students from the sidelines. Kingston Frontenacs players, members of Queen's University men’s hockey team, and Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School hockey team players came to referee. The Kingston Frontenac’s mascot Barrack the Bear even made an appearance!

So, who won?

‘A’ Final was won by Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School (OLMC) in a shootout against and St. John XXIII Catholic School.

‘B’ Final was won by St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Catholic School against Holy Name Catholic School.

Winning teams received a Kingston Frontenacs jersey signed by the entire team. Both winning and finalist teams received free tickets to a Frontenacs game and a chance to visit player areas.

Thank you to the City of Kingston for providing the venue for this great event.

one Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School player trying to get the ball from one Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School player. Family members in the background. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School player leading with the ball. Other players running to get the ball.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School and Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School players congregating by the net to block the shot from getting in. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School player just shot the ball towards the net. Her hockey stick is up in the air post hit.